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Become an organ donor

Deceased organ donation is the decision to donate your organs, tissue and eyes after you pass. Through deceased organ donation, you give life at the end of yours. Registering as an organ donor today allows you to save and influence many lives in the future. Register to become an organ donor.

Living organ donation 

Donating a kidney or a portion of your liver can help a person live longer than they would with an organ transplanted from a deceased donor. It also helps the transplant patient bypass the waitlist to receive their new organ quickly.

Becoming a living organ donor is a courageous and selfless gift — whether you donate to a loved one or a stranger. Our living donor team gives you expert medical care and emotional support. Learn more about becoming a living kidney donor.

Become an organ donor

You can make a difference in dozens of lives by becoming an organ donor today.

Myths of organ donation
Myth #1: Myself or my family will be charged if I donate organs. 

Fact: Becoming a living donor is a selfless act. As a living donor, all your medical costs are covered by the recipient’s insurance. This also includes all expenses related to the donor process.

However, there are non-medical expenses that may come up such as childcare, travel and lodging for out-of-town donors. Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital work with our social work and finance teams to help alleviate some of these costs that may come up.

Myth #2: I signed the back of my driver’s license, so I don’t need to tell anyone that I want to be an organ donor.

Fact: By the time your will is read, or doctors see your driver’s license or donor card, it may be too late to recover your organs and/or tissue. Telling your family that you want to be an organ and tissue donor and enrolling in the Organ and Tissue Donor Registry is the best way to ensure that your wishes are carried out.

Myth #3: I can’t donate one of my kidneys because I don’t know anyone who needs one.

Fact: You can donate a kidney to someone you know and love or a stranger. You can donate a kidney through certain transplant centers, including the Transplant Center at Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

Myth #4: I am too old or too sick to become an organ and tissue donor.

Fact: Anyone can be a potential organ and tissue donor regardless of age, race, demographics or medical history. If you decide to become a living donor, you undergo an extensive assessment to ensure that you are aware of the risks. You also undergo testing to determine if your kidneys are in good shape and if you can live a healthy life with just one kidney


Schedule your appointment

Call (314) 362-9355 or (800) 392-0936  for more information about becoming a living donor or to schedule an appointment.

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